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I want to remove the gap between my teeth...
What is the best way to fix the gap in my smile and still make it look natural? Veneers or bonding? What is the best way to fix the gap in my smile and still make it look natural? Veneers or bonding? What is the best way to fix the gap in my smile and still make it look natural? Veneers or bonding? What is the best way to fix the gap in my smile and still make it look natural? Veneers or bonding?

Today, there are more options to fill that gap. Ultra thin Veneers are a great way if you want to align small variations with the surrounding teeth. Bonding can work great if you only want to fill the gap. They key you want to look for is a little artistry, qualified experience and examples of some... [read more]
Today, there are more options to fill that gap. Ultra thin Veneers are a great way if you want to align small variations with the surrounding teeth. Bonding can work great if you only want to fill the gap. They key you want to look for is a little artistry, qualified experience and examples of some great results. Make sure your confirm the doctor is using the best materials if you want better results. (demo only)
6 found this answer helpful

How effective is tattoo removal by lasers?
I've had two tattoos for over 3 years that I would to have removed, but I'm concerned it will leave an even worse blemish. Do lasers really remove the tattoo and restore the look of normal skin?

There are some great Lasers today that can do a wonderful job removing a tattoo. But, you have to be patient if the tattoo has colors, is very dark or has been in place for a long time. Depending on your skin type you may still have some slight discoloration and it may take a number of treatments. (demo... [read more]
There are some great Lasers today that can do a wonderful job removing a tattoo. But, you have to be patient if the tattoo has colors, is very dark or has been in place for a long time. Depending on your skin type you may still have some slight discoloration and it may take a number of treatments. (demo only)
9 found this answer helpful

The key is the number of laser treatments you will need. After the first treatment you will see how your skin type responds and will get a much better idea as to how many treatments you will need. Results will vary by patient but with the latest lasers results are generally very good. (demo only)
The key is the number of laser treatments you will need. After the first treatment you will see how your skin type responds and will get a much better idea as to how many treatments you will need. Results will vary by patient but with the latest lasers results are generally very good. (demo only)
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